Wednesday, 12 March 2014


I have recently discovered how important self discipline and motivation is to get where you want to be.
Self discipline can't kick in at the very last minute when the pressure to perform is overwhelming. Self discipline must be constant, but staying focused can be hard. Especially when there are many things that you would rather be doing than studying, but every minute of work is worth it in the long run.
6 Tips
1. Try to avoid being around anyone or anything that will distract you.
2. Try studying in a quiet place, without the distraction of other people. Although your bedroom may be the most comfortable place to study, it is likely to be full of distractions. Maybe in the living room, or even outside is a place where you can focus on only the work in front of you.
3. Procrastination is something that will most definitely prevent you from reaching your potential. No matter how tempting websites may be, it is not worth losing an exam because of social media.
4. Try to plan your study time. Look at the big picture and plan when you need to have different parts of your work completed.
5.  Repetition is the best way to remember what you need to. No matter how pointless you believe it is at the time, you won't regret it later on.
6. Put the effort in. At the end of the day, you only get out what you put in.
Isla x

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